Important: new electronic waste tracking system
As you may or may not be aware, as of the 1st of July 2019, EPA Victoria no longer accepts paper waste transport certificates for the movement of Prescribed Industrial Waste (PIW) in Victoria; this includes licensed receivers (e.g. landfills, treatment facilities) for contaminated soil.
The Directors and staff at Australian Environmental Auditors (AEA) feel it is our duty to inform our stakeholders, and particularly those that may be effected by this new system, that you are now required to submit waste transport certificates electronically. The new system will enable EPA to monitor the movement of waste more efficiently and accurately. This will help to prevent potential harm to human health and the environment.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Every producer, transporter and receiver using waste transport certificates must register.
- Electronic certificates are free of charge until 30 June 2020.
- Forms are only accessible/compatible using Internet Explorer from a desktop only.
- Save time and create a template when needing numerous, similar certificates.
- There are three parts to a waste transport certificate:
Here’s what to do:
- Create an account on the EPA Interaction Portal (register on behalf of a business) or Log In if you already have an account.
- If you are producing waste, select ‘Waste transport certificates’ on the left-hand side and create the appropriate certificate (you can also save time and set up a template for future use). Note EPA require submission on the day of works, not prior to.
- Once completed, click ‘view and print’.
Watch the video tutorial here. Or read the user guide here. There is also a Q&A section on the EPA website that may be helpful.
On behalf of all of us at AEA, thanks, kind regards and good luck with the new system.