53X Environmental Audit for Bendigo Hospital Redevelopment
Location – Bendigo, Victoria
Project Value – $210k
Project Summary –
The site is located in Bendigo and comprises multiple lots to be redeveloped under a Public‐Private Partnership with the State of Victoria for hospital use.
The project is the largest infrastructure project to be undertaken in Bendigo. The site is located within a Public Use Zone with a number of site investigations performed primarily to determine contamination for waste classification purposes.
The audit is to be completed for 3 main areas: Main Hospital site, Child Care Centre and Hotel site, and Multi‐level car park and short‐term. The scope must achieve compliance with EPA auditor guidelines and the Environment Protection Act, 1970.
Outcome & Highlights –
Separate environmental audit reports with Statements of Environmental Audit have been completed for the Main Hospital Site, the Hotel site and the Child Care Centre. Elevated concentrations of arsenic are present in soil and fill materials across all sites being the result of both naturally occurring and anthropogenic influences.
A number of underground storage tanks were removed and validated from the former rural ambulance base which has now been covered by the Main Hospital Building.
The Child Care Centre site has a significant cork tree that needed to be protected during site investigations, remediation and re-development. The auditor worked closely with the Construction Manager, the site assessor and an arborist to ensure that the tree was protected before, during and after.
The remainder of the site is awaiting investigation and re-development in 2016-17.