Webinar: Your role in protecting the environment 26 May 2021 | 10:30 am – 11:30 am The session will cover: • key environmental obligations for business and industry • general environmental duty (GED) • how to identify and manage your environmental risk • where to find more information. More info and to register Webinar: What you need to know about waste 8 June 2021 | 11:00 am – 12:30 pm This session will cover: • how EPA regulates waste • requirements for businesses that generate, transport of receive waste • how to classify waste, and the new Waste Tracker system • permissions for waste receivers. More info and to register Also, check out EPA’s responses to their FAQs from the last webinar.
After many years of reviews, workshops and stakeholder engagement, consideration of site contamination has finally been formally embedded into the new planning system. South Australia’s new Planning and Design Code came into effect recently in metropolitan areas of SA (as of 19 March 2021). This is the 3rd and final phase of state-wide changes to the planning system introduced via the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 (PDI Act). The new legislative framework will result in referrals to the EPA for development applications involving a change of land use to a more sensitive use where certain classes of potentially contaminating activities previously existed on the site. The purpose of the reforms are to: Safeguard community health by providing a consistent State-wide planning approach to site contamination assessment Specify site contamination assessment steps that must be taken when a change to a more sensitive land use is proposed (including an application for land division) Ensure that site contamination investigations are consistent with the risk-based National Environment Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999, and Ensure that land is suitable, or will be made suitable, for its intended use where a more sensitive land use is proposed. Benefits of the new system include: ensuring the health of the community is more effectively protected by ensuring that site contamination is adequately investigated according to the level of risk protecting the value of residential properties from the adverse impacts of retrospective identification of site contamination, and providing clarity and certainty to developers about when site contamination will be assessed, what DA information is required to be submitted, when an EPA referral is required and limiting the circumstances that a site contamination audit is required to higher risk proposals. One of AEA’s SA EPA site contamination auditors, Jean-Paul Pearce, sits on the advisory panel and can help developers, planners, councils, contractors and anyone else involved in the property development industry to explain the process, provide advice and answer any questions. Furthermore, EPA will deliver online and face-to-face training during April 2021. Links below for more information and further reading… Practice Direction 14: Site Contamination Assessment 2021 PlanSA Resources Site Contamination Assessment fact sheet
Yes, you’ve heard correctly. The rumours are true. Nick Simmons has joined the AEA team. We kick off 2021 with the exciting announcement that Nick is AEA’s newest Principal Technical Specialist (Landfills). He has come over from EPA Victoria to become a valuable expert for our clients. He complements our landfill team and expands our existing capability. Nick brings over 16 years of experience and extensive knowledge encompassing all elements of landfill sites, including applied environmental science & risk assessment related to landfill siting, landfill operations, landfill gas, leachate, landfill aftercare and developing land around landfills (incl. buffer zones). Coming from a regulatory background, Nick authored and contributed to all of EPA Victoria’s landfill guidance documents. He has provided high-level technical advice and scientific reviews to peak industry bodies, government agencies, environmental auditors and international partners. His insight and expertise is a valuable asset that we encourage anyone to tap into. He will undoubtedly add value to your landfill-related projects and serve as a technical specialist in expert witness cases. You can get in touch with Nick on 0423 340 732.
AEA staff have enjoyed an exciting weekend in the Hunter Valley! Staff from all across the country flew into the wine region late Friday afternoon to assist our resident winemaker, Phil Hitchcock, with the latest batch of his delicious cabernet sauvignon. After a wonderful dinner in Maitland on Friday evening, AEA staff were up bright and early on Saturday for a busy morning of bottling and labelling. Things we learnt throughout this process: Corking is actually quite difficult and conducive to shirt-ripping Boiling hot wax really does hurt when it comes into contact with bare skin It is of utmost importance to taste-test the product 😉 Naturally after all of our hard work, we couldn’t resist visiting a couple of vineyards! Special thanks to Phil, Julie and Scarlett for organising a fun and comfortable stay. A great weekend was had by all!